Monday, April 19, 2010

napowrimo-april-19th-lightbulb moment

A Moment of Insight.

One day when I was burdened
By sorrow and with care
I felt so lost and lonely
With no-one there to share
Standing in the kitchen
Reflecting on my life
A thought suddenly hit me
I'm mother and am wife
How fortunate how blessed
How loved I was by those
That God my loving Father
For my companions chose.
As I knelt down to thank Him
My heart was filled with light
All the worries left me
In place was pure delight.
When troubles overcome you
When you feel dark and blue
Counting all your blessings
Your spirit will renew!

© Ingeborg Apfelbaum. April 2010.

1 comment:

Rallentanda said...

You are one of the lucky ones if you have that support and can feel like that.