Sunday, April 25, 2010

napowrimo-25-first things

Well the first words spoken by my husband were: Are you ok Love? The next words spoken by my son were How are you today Mum? Did you sleep ok? I had already decided to try my hand at a villanelle as I have never written one before so... here goes.

My love are you ok?

My love are you ok?
The eventide comes close.
I saw you not today.

So hard it is to stay
When life these sorrows throws
My love are you ok?

I'll seek a better way
To keep you somewhere close
I saw you not today.

Daily these words I pray
This shadow past us blows.
My love are you ok?

To help your burden sway
Am sending you this rose
I saw you not today.

Though evening clouds are grey
Somewhere the sun still glows.
My love are you ok?
I saw you not today.

©Ingeborg. April 2010

I guess I need to explain the concern. These are words I hear often as I am recovering from a long drawn out illness and have days where I am not so ok. But today I am ok :)

Here is a Tanka.

How are you today?

How are you today?
Thank you my son for sharing.
The pain fades away
Knowing that you are caring.
Love makes naught of desparing!

©Ingeborg. April 2010.


markoolio said...

Love both of your poems. The tanka was especially nice!

Well done!


Anonymous said...

Me too. The villanelle has a delicacy about it. I loved it.

Stan Ski said...

It's good to know that people care.
BTW - How are you?

Ingeborg said...

lol Stan.I am good. How are you?
Thank you all for your feedback. :) Ingeborg

Iself said...

"I saw you not today."

The repetition of this works wonders for the poem.

Grüße aus Stuttgart!

Rallentanda said...

I liked the villanelle. Hope you keep warm in the cold bleak city:)

Ron. said...

Not wild for villanelle in general, this one is usperb; I esp like the shorter lines.

J. D. Mackenzie said...

I understand the first try can be the most difficult but like that yours feels unhurried and heartfelt. The tanka flow well also. To your health!

flaubert said...

To your health and I love both poems

Anonymous said...

For a first villanelle, excellent job! (And the tanka isn't bad either. :)

Dan said...

Just great, both of them. Form, content: it's all there.

one more believer said...

exquisite melting emotional did the villanelle well... blessings that you continue to feel better... conduit connect