Tuesday, April 20, 2010

napowrimo-april-20th-my hero

My Hero.

My hero was amazing
He knew everything
Nothing ever phased him
He was my constant teacher
I was his guinea pig
His sounding board
A sponge absorbing his ideas
Maybe even an echo
For many years.
But he fell off his perch early
Guess I learnt he was flesh and blood
Making mine boil for a while
He knew he'd gone too far
We never discussed it
But he knew.
For a time I rebelled
Later I realised
We are all weak.
I love him still.
Put him back on his perch.
But it was lower to the ground.
So if he fell it wouldn't hurt.
I do miss him.
Admire him.
My Dad.

© Ingeborg. April 2010.


Dan said...

We are all weak.

No truer words.

Stan Ski said...

Peaks and troughs - that's life...
Great tribute!

lucychili said...

you have captured the journey

Wayne Pitchko said...

nkidden...nicely captured...thanks for sharing this

JD Mackenzie said...

The Dad was on my short list of possibles but really, you did this so well and from the heart.

Julie Jordan Scott said...

awwww... lovely.

I take myself OFF my kids perch on purpose, but for some reason, they keep loving me...

Your words are splendid.


Andy Sewina said...

Yeah, Dad knows best!

Ingeborg said...

Thank you all for your comments:) These prompts seem to get us to open our souls...look deep within. I am enjoying this. Ingeborg.

Jeremiah's House said...

I like how this goes thorough the gamut of emotions. I especially like the lines:
"Guess I learnt he was flesh and blood
Making mine boil for a while"
Great how you turn that phase that is so common into a great image.