Thursday, April 8, 2010

napowrimo-april-8th-Unusual Love connections

Today, think of your current love, your current obsession or the one who got away. Now come up with five or more unusual metaphors for the object of your affection/obsession: wool scarf, cough drop, puddle, half-empty bottle of red wine… Choose your favorite of the bunch and write a poem celebrating (or trashing) your love.

Love or disease?

I still don't know what trigged it!
Was it the teatowel he held?
His cheeky smile?
Those clear blue eyes?
His tousled hair?
His manly stance?
Something said?
A joke shared?
Or simply looking into my soul?
I can still conjure up the image
The knot in my stomach
The knees turning soft
That very first time our eyes locked!
No other disease can attack that fast.
Can incapacitate and transform
Can maim the intellect
Wipe out all common sense!
Were he alive would it still be fatal?
The effect he had .....
Those forty odd years ago!

(c) Ingeborg Apfelbaum, April 2010.


Stan Ski said...

Good question; don't know the answer but most people catch it...

Dan said...

"No other disease can attack that fast."

Well put. Nicely done!

Anonymous said...

Good poem. Not usually a fan of questions in a poem, but they work here.

Wayne Pitchko said...

one for sure.....and it is always about the questions...not the answers