Monday, April 5, 2010

NaPoWRiMo April 3rd: scared yet?

Write about something that scares you. It could be tarantulas or your significant other cheating on you or an existential fear of the unknown so long as it unsettles you. Describe it in the most vivid language possible!
Sometimes by articulating our fears, we strip them of their power. (But don’t go too far! A little fear is good to have.)

To my significant other:

You complete me
Challenge me
Nurture me
Console me
Lift me
Uphold me
Cheer me
Amuse me
Enlighten me
Make me whole
Heal my soul
Keep me safe
I cannot fathom
Ever being without you!
The mere thought of ever losing you.....
Is enough to scare me half to death!

(c) Ingeborg Apfelbaum. April 2010

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